

Documents for A Drive for Better Air Service: How connected and autonomous vehicles influence changes in intercity transportation flows and demands

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A drive for better air service:
How air service imbalances acr...
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A long drive: interregional
airport passenger leakage in the U.S.
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A drive for better air service Presentation - - -
Biannual Report - 2018-03-31 Progress Report 86_Progress_Report_2018-03-31 3679 bytes March 31, 2018, 8:56 p.m.
Final Report Final Report 86_-_Impact_of_Personal_Attitude son_Propensity.pdf 685339 bytes June 21, 2018, 8:40 a.m.
Visualizing aviation impacts:
Modeling current and future fli...
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Carsharing demand estimation
and fleet simulation with...
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Air Demand in a Dynamic
Competitive Context with the Automobile
Publication - - -
Technical Appendix to Air
Demand in a Dynamic Competit...
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Edge conditions and
crash-avoidance roles: the future of traf...
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An epidemiological diffusion
framework for vehicular messaging...
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Safety at the edge: a safety
framework to identify edge conditions...
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Taxi Drops Off as Transit Grows
amid Ride-Hailing’s Impact...
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